Source code for tanuna.CT_LTI

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Library of ready-to-use continuous-time LTI systems.

@author: Adrian Schlatter

import numpy as np
from .root import CT_LTI_System

[docs]class LowPass(CT_LTI_System): """Low-Pass Filter with 3-dB frequency fC and DC-gain k""" def __init__(self, fC, k=1.): wC = 2 * np.pi * fC A = np.eye(1) * (-wC) B = np.eye(1) C = np.eye(1) * k * wC D = np.matrix([[0.]]) super(LowPass, self).__init__(A, B, C, D)
[docs]class HighPass(CT_LTI_System): """High-Pass Filter with 3-dB frequency fC and pass-band gain k""" def __init__(self, fC, k=1.): hp = (-LowPass(fC, 1) + np.matrix(1)) * k super(HighPass, self).__init__(*hp.ABCD)
[docs]class Order2(CT_LTI_System): """ A second-order system with - w0: Natural frequency - zeta: Damping ratio (0: undamped, 1: critically damped) - k: Gain """ def __init__(self, w0, zeta, k): A = np.matrix([[0, w0], [-w0, -2 * zeta * w0]]) B = np.matrix([0, k * w0]).T C = np.matrix([1., 0.]) D = np.matrix([0.]) super(Order2, self).__init__(A, B, C, D)
if __name__ == '__main__': G = LowPass(10.) H = G * G